

"Cuando no est�s aqu�", in the White Ravens 2013


El pacto del bosque (by Beatriz Mart�n Vidal, illustrator)

"This Wednesday we launched El Pacto del Bosque (The Forest Pact), in Valladolid, in the book shop Oletum. The author is Gustavo Mart�n Garzo, a very renowned author whose articles I�ve illustrated this year in El Norte de Castilla." [+]

The Children�s Almanac of the Blue Rider

This almanac is neither a manifesto nor is it a proclamation in the style of these foundational texts of the avant-garde, it is a declaration of intent and a gesture of gratitude to all those who have made it possible. Without the unselfish, disinterested collaboration of all the illustrators who appear here, this inaugural book could not have come into being. Our greatest thanks and respect to all of them. Look at their illustrations as a catalogue, present and future, of our aesthetic intentions. [+]

Ediciones El Jinete Azul is born

The Blue Rider is the title of a picture painted by the Russian painter Vasili Kandinsky in 1903, but it is also the name of a publication The Blue Rider Almanac, edited by him and by Franz Marc and a veritable manifesto of those artists who formed one of the creative groups of the European avant-garde. Together with them, August Macke was in charge of the ethnographic documentation of the almanac, in which works by the painters Max Pechstein, Alfred Kubin and Henri Le Fauconnier and the composer Arnold Sch�nberg appeared.