Casa del Libro
La Central
Chus Llibres
Panta Rhei
Quins Llibres
Santos Ochoa
Text: José Corredor-Matheos
Illustrations: Noemí Villamuza
Poetry | november 2010
ISBN: 978-84-938352-0-0
Binding: Softcover
72 pages
PVP: 10,00
The poem Can the Sea Fly? gives the title to this atypical poetry book by José Corredor-Matheos and with illustrations by Noemí Villamuza. It is atypical because it differs from other types of anthology for children in terms of both the poems and the illustrations. And it is in this literary piece that you find a poem which reminds you of a lullaby, but you cant be sure, a haiku with a western feel, a short poem that, nevertheless, has its roots buried in the extended humorous poems by Quevedo and the classical Latin poets.
Can the Sea Fly? is a book full in its emptiness, full of colour in those spaces surrounded by large white spaces, where the text sometimes gives us an answer to the text and sometimes establishes a game of mirrors.
The reader will know how the anthology begins and will discover some previously unpublished poems by José Corredor-Matheos, but will never know how, nor when it ends, even though he closes the book.