Julia, la ni�a que ten�a sombra de chico

Text: Christian Bruel / Anne Galland
Illustrations: Anne Bozellec
Picture Book | september 2011
ISBN: 978-84-938352-7-9
Binding: Hardcover
72 pages
PVP: 18,00 �

Julia is a girl that does not do things like everyone else; her parents keep reminding her: You�re just like a boy. One day she discovers her shadow is not of a girl, but of a boy; her discovery sets her on a search for a place where she no longer casts a shadow. In this adventure she will find a friend to share her sorrow with.

Written by Christian Bruel and illustrated by Anne Bozellec, the book was first edited in France, in 1976. It was published in Spain in 1980 under the title Clara, la ni�a que ten�a sombra de ni�o (Clara, the Girl with the Shadow of a Boy) as part of the collection La sonrisa que muerde (The Biting Smile) by Editorial Lumen, having some of it�s pages censored. A second and uncensored edition was published by Editions �tre in 1997 with the collaboration of Anne Galland.

A vindication on the right to acknowledge personal signs of identity during childhood is the central idea of this subtle piece of austere beauty, filled with words that slide between irony and tenderness, and dark line illustrations over light backgrounds. Typographical compositions over a red background give shape to a picture book of unusual beauty, for readers of all ages.

�A vindication on the right to acknowledge personal signs of identity during childhood.�

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