La novela gráfica de Ana Alonso y Javier Pelegrín, ilustrada por Pere Ginard, La ciudad transparente, ha sido una de las 250 obras seleccionadas para los White Ravens 2012 entre miles de títulos publicados en todo el mundo.
Estos galardones los concede cada año la Internationale Jugendbibliothek de Munich, y los títulos seleccionados son expuestos en la Feria del Libro Infantil de Bolonia.
Esta es la valoración del comité que seleccionó este título:
«This illustrated novel, dystopian and interspersed with elements of film noir, is apropos for a time in which ever more elaborate technologies are determining and controlling everyday life, and the social media are becoming ever more influential. The story portrays a see-through society in which nothing is private. Every human life follows a script. The better the script-writer and script, the more viewers and followers one has and therefore the more sponsors and money. This is an utterly media-saturated and commercialised world in which social status is measured according to popularity and other peoples rankings. This dismal vision of a not all too distant future is paired with comic-style black-and-white illustrations, which successfully capture the oppressive atmosphere of this merciless success society. (Age: 16+)»