Leticia Ruifern�ndez was born in Madrid in 1976. She was trained as an architect but her vocation is painting. By means of illustrating she finds the way to share her work with others. Her publishers include Anaya, Edelvives, K�kinos, T�ndem and Ekar�. In 2006 she won First Prize in the VI Certamen de �lbum Ilustrado �Ciudad de Alicante� and second prize in the III Certamen de �lbum infantil Biblioteca Insular del Cabildo de Gran Canaria in 2008. The picture book The Soldier�s Farewell published by El Jinete Azul is her first collaboration with Javier de Isusi, the author of comics.
Very characteristic parts of her work are her calendars and her travel notebooks some of which have been published.
Web page: www.leticiaruifernandez.es
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