Mar�a Jos� Ferrada was born in 1977. She is a journalist and holds an MA in Asian Studies.
In 2001 she was awarded a scholarship destined to implement the "Taller de Escritura de la Fundaci�n Pablo Neruda" (Writing Workshop of the Pablo Neruda Foundation), and in 2005, she published her first children�s book: 12 historias min�sculas de la tierra, el cielo y el mar (12 Tiny Stories of the Earth, the Sky and the Sea.)
After being awarded different scholarships to write several books that have been published across Chile, in 2010 the Spanish publishing house Kalandraka released Un mundo raro (An Odd World). During that same year she won the "Fondo de Promoci�n del Libro, Fondo del Libro, Consejo de Cultura de Chile" (Fund for the Book Promotion, Book Fund, Chilean Culture Council) which published her book Un baile diminuto (A Tiny Dance) and created the Libros del Snark (Books of the Snark), a self-funded publishing house focused on the research and creation of handcrafted books with limited editions.
Currently, she works as a journalist and as a teacher of the Chilean-Japanese Institute of Culture.
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