She was born in Valladolid in 1973. She began studying Law until finally she went to Salamanca to study Fine Arts. After five years of painting, drawing and generally enjoying herself, she contemplated the possibility of dedicating herself to illustration so that, when she graduated, she returned to Valladolid and she studied for the post-graduate course in Illustration at the School of Art. When she finished, she threw herself head first into professional illustration. She has illustrated books for publishers in various countries and has published her first book as an author and illustrator. The second is on its way.
She has received grants and prizes for illustrations, posters and comics. Recently she was selected for the 51st exhibition of the New York Society of Illustrators and therefore appears in their annual catalogue of illustrators.
- Las Metamorfosis, Ovidio. Anaya, 2007.
- Los cazadores de p�jaros, Antonio Ramos. Editorial Progreso, 2007.
- El vampiro y otros cuentos rusos, A.N. Afan�siev. Anaya, 2008.
- A las buenas y a las malas, Varios autores. Anaya, 2008.
- Frankenstein, Mary Shelley. Bru�o, 2008.
- El caballo cobarde, Felipe Ben�tez Reyes. Alfaguara, 2008.
- El enigma de la esfera, Cecilia Eudave. Editorial Progreso, 2008.
- El hombre de los dos corazones, Ana Merino. Anaya, 2009.
- Cuentos de Poe, Edgar Allan Poe. Anaya, 2009.
- Caperucita, Hermanos Grimm. Oxford, 2010.
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